ChamberTrust ® Seal is international seal of bussines trust with the mission of raising the level of recognition of the companies on the international market and to increase their competitiveness. ChamberTrust seal is established by the World Chambers Network (WCN), World Chambers Federation (WCF), ICC – International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Chamber of Economy and Industry of Paris – Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (CCIP). World Chambers Network headquarters is located in Paris, France.
ChamberTrust ® Seal is a standardized tool designed to help online trust and representation of the company and to remove some of the obstacles that SMEs face when entering in the global market.
ELCOM is the first company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which received ChamberTrust ® Seal – Seal of business trust and officially from 17.02.2014. is in the WCN database: