ELCOM has signed a contract with KEK -Korporata Energjetike e Kosovës for execution of the project on a turn-key basis. Contract includes:
Rehabilitation and refurbishment of existing Stackers & Bucket Wheel Reclaimers.
(2 x Stacker-Reclaimer)
Rehabilitation and refurbishment of associated Transport System & Belt Conveyors.
Power Supply Upgrade & Refurbishment.
(6 kV
ELCOM has opened an office in Republic Kosovo which will help and support clients in finding new resources for growth in the future through building of new or revitalization of old facilities in Energy, Industry and Mining.
Enver Maloku BII7 Nr.13
10 000 Pristhine
Republica e Kosoves
Tel.: + 386 49 330 985
Yanbu 3 will be one of the country’s first supercritical power plants to run on heavy fuel oil. It was even upgraded to burn gas too. Alstom’s part includes the basic engineering of the power block, advisory services during detailed engineering and procurement, supervision services during construction and commissioning, and
ELCOM has successfully completed the project of Electrostatic Percipitators in Global Ispat Coke Industry Lukavac. (GIKIL)
The project started in September 2011 , and is now successfully implemented and put into operation. The project goal was to achieve the full efficiency of coke gas purification according to designed parameters , which
ELCOM has signed a contract with Elektroprivreda for delivery of Distributed Control System (DCS) to HPP Grabovica and automation of two Units with total installed capacity of 117 MW (2 x 58.5 MW).
An integral part of the contract is:
Design of hardware and software for control of two units (2