Reconstruction of TS 110/35/10(20) kV Konjic

Reconstrucition of 110/35/10(20) kV Konjic needed to be done almost without no breaks in power distribution because of requests from distribution company and high demands for power from large industrial customers. Scope of reconstruction: detail civil and electrical design, reconstruction of existing buildings, dismantling of old equipment, installation of a new equipment, installation of a new power transformer, testing and commissioning.

Reconstruction of TS 110/35/10(20) kV HAK

With 110/35/6 kV HAK was used exclusively for powering the HAK complex and was commissioned in 1976. The realization of this project solved the problem of power supply to the city of Tuzla.The city is currently powered by only two nodes, the TS Tuzla Center and the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant, and over 35 kV lines from the network transformer used to power their own consumption of TPP Tuzla.